We are happy to announce that the first volume of a world Flora of lichenicolous fungi has just been published at the National Museum of Natural History in Luxembourg Paul Diederich, Ana M. Millanes, Mats Wedin & James D. Lawrey
James Lawrey receives Acharius Medal from International Association for Lichenology http://www.lichenology.org James Lawrey, Professor of Biology, received the highest international honor for a lichenologist at the August 2021 meeting of the International Association for Lichenology held virtually from Bonito, Brazil. Dr. Lawrey has been a faculty member at George Mason University […]
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has promoted the National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in collaboration are initiating the National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The data generated by NWSS will help public health officials […]
High levels of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the gut are linked to poorer outcomes in people with cirrhosis, according to new evidence published by VCU School of Medicine researchers, which could provide a new tool for determining prognosis and a potential new target for therapy. The paper’s other authors were Chathur […]
Agenda (March 24, 2021) George Mason University participated in the Southern Arizona Dust Workshop. We brought together a wide and diverse group of vested partners for the 10th annual Arizona Dust Workshop. This workshop will provide an opportunity to evaluate and discuss recent successes, while also developing future endeavors and goals. […]
Plummers Island Threatened by proposed Expansion of American Legion Bridge The Washington Biologist Field Club (WBFC) was founded in 1900 by professional field biologists living and working in the Washington, DC vicinity (Perry 2007). The members are all professional biologists. Plummers Island, Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park, Montgomery […]
Article on Valley Fever presented by Science Friday Life cycle of Coccidioides spp. During the saprobic phase (left) the organism grows as mycelia, which mature into arthroconidia. These asexual conidia can be inhaled by a susceptible host. If this occurs, the fungus undergoes a morphological shift to form a spherule […]
FDA Grants Breakthrough Designation to the Prescient Metabiomics LifeKit® Prevent Test for the Early Detection of Colon Polyps and Colon Cancer (September 5, 2019) Prescient Medicine and Metabiomics Partner to Develop New Gastrointestinal Health Tests to Detect Polyps, Prevent Colon Cancer (September 18, 2018)
Dr Reid Schwebach brought his summer class to the MBAC to show them the facilities at the Science and Technology campus and to introduce them to concepts in Bioinformatics. We plan to use Mutitag NextGen sequencing approach to interrogate the entire Phageome in soil samples Links to Related […]
Dr. Gillevet discusses the Systems Biology of the Metabiome in Non Alcoholic Liver Disease Meeting Agenda